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Rob the bookies with Us, Fresh selected picks based on analysis and good info. We're not perfect, we're not insiders... damn ! are we normal regular guys ? YES ! but we like to fuck the bookies and get easy money :) Let us do the research - You just make the bet. Remember it's your money, never bet if you can't afford it. Simple. This site is for those who don't have the time to search for the best tips. This blog is for those who are tired of watching cheaters and their "evergreen" tables. Unfortunately You'll see red tips here. We'll try to do our best, but this is Sport - 100% of good predictions is not possible to achieve.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Bandits TIP

France Ligue 1
Sochaux vs St Etienne TIP 1 odd 1.80 WIN 2:1

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